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Indeed, Myrtle is already taken with the tree. Yes, the lovely Milady Stacy, nominated me for this award, which of course, I am going to pass on to all my favourite people….seven people I feel work really hard.  It is all right Miladies Lange and Duffy, of course I won’t miss you out.

The award comes  with rules, things I am very partial to. That is one. Another is that I must link back to the site of the person who gave me the award and then tell seven facts about myself.

So this is the lovely Milady Stacy’s site and a very nice one it is too. Not only does she write, offer useful writing tips and interview other writers and give out awards….. she also loves music.  http://t.co/8JIL9afTr1

I must confess that after reading Milady Lange’s risqué words, I am unsure that there is anything that is unknown about me, however…..

Growing up in Jamaica I had a cat called Amsterdam .


who I liked to dress up. At least I had a cat till my father threw her out.

Contrary to what people think, I am really very nice.

And I’m very fond of Miladies Lange and Duffy.

I am half Irish and half Italian.

Before moving to Genoa, I lived in Bournemouth for two years.

My middle name is Francesca.

Thomas was really very fond of me……

Now my seven who work really hard. Please take a moment to heck them out.  Some of their present posts are fabulous.

Incy Black  http://t.co/tLMFyyWcjY

Nikki Dee Houston http://t.co/6K6S3LaSYY

Sharon Struth http://t.co/O9fnawjkJq

Anne Lange http://t.co/lXAPDLHZBo

Aimee Duffy http://t.co/wScJt0Sa7E

Ranting Crow http://rantingcrow.wordpress.com/

 Catherine Cavendish http://t.co/un1uiotgNq